Individual Advocacy
Every day, we as pediatricians advocate on an individual level in order to ensure the health and well-being of patients and families. Below are some links to helpful resources which address health-related social needs to share with families.
Development, Education, & Childcare
- Connecticut Office of Early Childhood
- Birth to Three
- Early Childhood Special Education
- CT Head Start
- Care4Kids
- Sparkler App
- Help Me Grow
Food & Nutrition
Housing & Environment
- 211 Housing Resources
- Rental Assistance Program
- Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program
- Housing Agency Websites
- Healthy Homes Program
- Lead Poisoning Prevention & Control Program
Legal & Criminal Justice
Mental Health & Safety
- 211 Mental Health Resources
- 211 Substance Use Resources
- National Maternal Mental Health Hotline
- Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- CT Department of Children and Families
Money & Finances
- Unemployment Benefits
- Supplemental Security Income
- Temporary Family Assistance
- State Administered General Assistance
- Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program
- The Child Tax Credit
- The Earned Income Tax Credit

Community & State Advocacy
There are many ways that pediatricians can advocate in their community and at the state level.
Are you interested in joining the CT-AAP Advocacy Committee? Please reach out:
Legislative Advocacy:
- Pediatricians can be a powerful voice for children and families by participating in the legislative process.
- The CT General Assembly meets from January to June in odd-numbered years, and from February to May in even-numbered years.
- As a part of the legislative process, varies committees (examples: Human Services, Children, Judiciary) hold public hearings where the general public can provide:
- Written testimony (submitted online)
- Oral testimony (both in person or via zoom)
- CT-AAP periodically sends out Advocacy Alerts via email to our membership highlighting opportunities for pediatricians to testify on bills affecting child health.
- Have questions? Check out our Tips for Testifying.
Media Advocacy:
- Pediatricians can use their voice to advocate for children and families by contributing to the media.
- Here are three different ways:
- Op-eds submitted to publications such as the CT Mirror or Hartford Courant can be a impactful way to highlight child health issues and advocate for change. CT-AAP can offer edits and support in drafting an article.
- Have questions? Check out our Tips for Op-ed Writing
- Pediatricians may also be asked to participate in a press conference with an elected official or community organization to advocate for a child health issue. CT-AAP can offer support in preparation.
- Social media and in particular twitter can be an important avenue for advocacy. There is a community of pediatricians on twitter who identify as #tweetatricians. The AAP has put together toolkits for social media advocacy.
Do you have questions or would like support? Please reach out:
National Advocacy
.The AAP has multiple opportunities to participation in advocacy:
- Advocacy Training Modules
- AAP DC Office Internship Program
- AAP Advocacy Website
- Sign up for advocacy alerts through the AAP