Suicide Prevention Webinar 1
Webinar 1: Strategies to Identify & Manage Youth Suicide Risk in Clinical & Community Care Settings in Connecticut

Multiple workforce surveys indicate that many healthcare providers, including mental health professionals, report a lack confidence in their abilities to manage suicide risk and indicate having received minimal, or no, education about how best to help those at risk of suicide. The 2019 survey of American Academy of Pediatrics members found most pediatricians (81%) had a patient attempt or die by suicide, although only 61% reported always screening for suicide risk, and a minority (9%) used a suicide-specific tool.
Webinar 1 of the Practical Youth Suicide series will review suicide concepts and facts, including definition of suicidality, risk and protective factors, and demographic disparities in suicide risk and treatment. The NIMH clinical pathway for ambulatory suicide risk screening will be presented and validated tools for suicide prevention in outpatient clinical settings will be discussed.
At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will be able to:
- List risk and protective factors for youth suicide, identifying populations, cohorts, and settings with have high and/or increasing vulnerability for suicide and suicide-related behaviors
- Differentiate between suicide screening and suicide assessment
- Distinguish suicide-specific interventions from treatment of underlying conditions.
- Describe the use of evidence-based tools for screening, assessment, safety planning and lethal means counseling in ambulatory practice and community settings
- Formulate suicide risk and develop appropriate suicide care management plans, including brief interventions to reduce suicidal thoughts and behaviors in patients at heightened risk.
Steven Rogers, MD
Yann Poncin, MD
Pamela Hoffman, MD
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