Dr. Halpern presents innovative and thought-provoking lecture
On Wednesday, October 24th, 2018, ACP-NJ co-sponsored an innovative and thought-provoking presentation by Dr. Neil Halpern at Englewood Hospital in Englewood, NJ entitled, “A Paradigm for the Hospital of the Future: The ICU in 2050.”
Dr. Halpern, Chief of Critical Care Medicine at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, is a “futurist” and an expert in critical care design and architecture. He spoke about key design elements implemented in the ICU at MSKCC, and focused on current technologies which might be developed to implement a biospheric capsule. Such a system could provide comprehensive critical care services through wearable technologies including sensors and monitors, 3D printers that could generate implantable devices and exoskeletons, mini robots that could handle diagnostics and therapeutics, and even helmets that could communicate the patient’s thoughts to caregivers.