Engaging Medical Clinicians in Oral Health offers in-office training to physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, medical assistants, and office billing and administrative staff.
To prepare your office to begin offering oral health preventive services to your patients, we provide a FREE lunch and learn CME/CNE program. Our program includes:
- TRAINING: We will train your entire office about pediatric oral health and fluoride varnish including a didactic presentation, hands-on training with patients, follow up and assistance with working varnish into regular office flow, modifying progress notes as needed, and billing effectively for the services.
- CME/CNE CREDIT: The training will provide 1.5 CME through the American Academy of Family Physicians (accepted by American Academy of Pediatrics) and 1.5 Nursing Credits through New York University.
- MATERIALS: We will provide a FREE, a comprehensive informational packet, a list of local dentists who accept Medicaid, patient education posters, provider fact cards, and carrying cases for easy fluoride varnish administration in exam rooms along with an initial supply of fluoride varnish, gauze, and progress note stamps.
- FOLLOW-UP: On-going assistance will be provided to ensure that your office is maximizing its revenue, efficiency, and staff and patient satisfaction.
To schedule an in office training, please call 860-525-9738 or email